Now I just got a real job to design a card for Pyrkon 2025.
What does mean?
So that means my task is to design a card based on Gwint, I would to remind you that is not a game video development this card game will be real card game like UNO from Mattel.
Here's some concepts from me.
BLU Card:
RED Card.
Now all need to some arts from SFM to put into this cards, before I need arts from SFM I need to think what colors to create next card.
Of course I have access to document.
Oh I almost forgot, also mechanics for each card. besides I have someone in our team to give me some mechanics and SFM art, besides I'm an designer, my job is to design cards and that's all.
Well, I guess we need back to work to our project, because we can't even talk for a while, because we need money to resource our project.
Also we need talk to should I develop an board for card game.
If yes I'll design or if not then other person will do it, besides maybe I'll design a board who knows.
For now I desgined 2 cards and I need to talk about to design 4 more cards in diffrent colors and of course card game board, and SFM artworks.
Mechanics we already have, now we need to think what colors I use to develop for 4 more cards and arts from Source Filmmaker (SFM for short.)
Oh yeah, this real card game will be tested in Pyrkon and maybe we start to sell.
This card game project is not affiliated with Valve, also this entire event is not affiliated with Valve.